The Synthesis of Legacy Coins Stability and Cutting Edge DeFi Innovation

5 min readOct 4, 2020


Everyone knows that food requires preparation, and that is why DeFi Tokens base on food themes. Farmers will need to farm or prepare DeFi food as rewards necessities. DeFi food are now the most popular DeFi yield farming but maybe you are tired of the short term lives of Food, after all, they go stale and spoiled. Some days, at best after weeks.

The Story of the Food Yield Farming.

Introducing YFSwap, replacing Food-Based DeFi with Strong Long Term growth of the Legacy Coins

Imagine what would the price of BTC and ETH be, with 1000x lesser supply integrating the revolutionary DeFi farming function?

Join and be part of the community that will shape the future of the new non-inflationary DeFi version of BTC and ETH.

DeFi applications have taken crypto-space by storm 2020, and there has also been a dark side to the whole proceeding. With frequent ‘rug-pulls’ damaging the industry’s reputation.

The convenience of setting up a DeFi token on Ethereum has also seen a lot of bad apples over the past few months. The prime example of a possible rug-pull like CBDAO and YFDEX.FINANCE which has dropped over 99% since hitting its peak after its launch.

Now to bring an end to this current issue and bestow a level of confidence in the DeFi space, YFSwap is bringing forward a new generation of DeFi tokens. With the same reward protocol of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

YFSwap intends to solve the current issue of pulling the rug by being very transparent which users can track on the Ethereum blockchain via Etherscan. Also, YFSwap has appeared on many news platforms which will usually audit the company before they publicise the project. There are no Founder shares, no VC interest, simply a fair and equal staking distribution to attract a broad and vision-aligned community to steward the future of the protocol and token. Another confidence level of YFSwap is that YFSwap is having a partnership collaboration with a cryptocurrency blockchain company founded since 2017, BITTO.

There is a lot of DeFi coins are successful. We will now be showing some successful DeFi tokens.

DeFi #meme reaching the price of over $1700 in 1 month since launched, emulating the success of memes like #dogecoin with a circulating supply of 28,000.

Data were taken from on 5th Oct 2020

#YFLink reaches up to $1700 in 1 months with a circulating supply of 52,000 by emulating the success and support for the real project #LINK.

Data were taken from on 5th Oct 2020

BTC WENT UP TO $21,000 PER BTC WITH 17 MILLION SUPPLY. What if you no longer need to mine Bitcoin, but earn it using DeFi function that helps support Bitcoin eco-system? On top of having 1000x lesser supply?

ETH WENT UP TO $1,200 PER ETH WITH 100 MILLION SUPPLY, and the supply will continue to grow. What if you no longer need to mine Ethereum, but earn it using DeFi function that helps support Ethereum eco-system? On top of having 1000x lesser supply? And it is FIXED at 75,000 supply ( ETH started with 75 Million).

INTRODUCING the DeFi Version of Legacy coins “Bitcoin” and “Ethereum” Mix With A Tablespoon Of Tribute To Father Of All DeFi’s “YFI”. Giving birth to a mixture of TWO MAJOR LEGACIES IN CRYPTOCURRENCY.


YFBTC and YFETH is the birth of the success reasons of #BTC and #ETH but with 1000x lesser coin supply than the legacy BTC and ETH — at 21,000 YFBTC and 75,000 YFETH. It will never increase more than 21,000 and 75,000 supply. (updated 10.16.2020)

These coins are following the legacy #BTC and #ETH mining reward protocol precisely to ensure it is an improved version combined with the upcoming trend of DeFi.

Instead of mining, you can now support the liquidity of #YFBTC and #YFETH while gaining rewards for maintaining the pool.

You can mine #YFBTC using #BTC and YFETH using #ETH, making it fair and possible for everyone to be at the start of the next possible DeFi #BTC and #ETH.

Please click here to learn more about rewards of YFBTC & YFETH.

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Some updates here:

[15/10/2020] The image of our APY is changed to reflect a closer percentage to reality from 2000% to 200%.

Changes to our introduction to provide a clearer picture for users to understand what is YFSWAP

[15/10/2020] Deflationary function to be added. Info updated on top.

[16/10/2020] YFETH is confirmed to have an initial circulating supply of 11545.8 YFETH. A Swap will occur to add deflationary function.

[17/10/2020] Looking into YFBTC integrating Oracle System, If YFBTC price is positive, yield farming continues. If YFBTC price drops negative, yield farming stops.

[23/10/2020] YFETH instead of 5% fee( changed to 2%) will be incurred on transfers. 94% is used to buy back, and 6% will be dev fee.

[27/10/2020] YFBTC & YFETH to invest their locked value pairings in external stable yield farming protocols to provide profit sharing to buyback and increase the price of YFBTC & YFETH.

[11/10/2020] Removed tBTC/ETH, 1x YFBTC rewards & wBTC/USDT, 1x YFBTC

[11/10/2020] Added USDT/ETH, 1x YFBTC

[26/11/2020] Community asked regarding funds raised. Clarified with

The total amount of the third phase of crowdfunding is 15,000 YFETH, is subject to the 550th ETH received by the crowdfunding address or until 16th Oct 2020 (UTC+8) whichever comes first

Total raised on stage 1 was 85 ETH

stage 1 : till 85 eth (yfeth per eth = 100)
stage 2 : till 250th eth (yfeth per eth = 75)
stage 3 : till 550th eth (yfeth per eth = 50)

157.98 ETH LEFT.

This is after 85 ETH, so 250 ETH minus 85 ETH = 165 ETH. 165 ETH — 157.98 ETH = 7.02 ETH

So total raised is 85 ETH + 7.02 ETH = 92.02 ETH which at that point of time(11th October 2020) is estimated to be around $367 per ETH. making it $33771 USD

Total locked funds is $13k YFETH + $60k YFBTC.

